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FDU Footbridge — You’ll Get There Tomorrow

August 26, 2019

The shuttle era at FDU has come to an end after two days, from Monday, August 26-Tuesday, August 27.

Early Tuesday morning the new and improved footbridge will be open to use for the FDU community. On the first day of the 2019 Fall semester, students and faculty used a shuttle bus to get from one side of the campus to the other. The shuttle had three locations for both drop off and pick up: in front of the Student Union Building, in front of North Pointe, and in front of the Center.

Over the summer break, FDU set out to renovate the footbridge. The initial date of completion was supposed to be in July, more than one month ago.

Work on the bridge began in the spring of 2018 with workers inspecting the condition of the foundation that extends 100 feet into the riverbed, The Equinox reported.

The goal behind the new footbridge is to have it resemble the Manhattan High Line Park, a popular converted elevated railroad bed in the middle of New York City.

“They took something (High Line) that wasn’t particularly attractive, and made it magnificent,” Richard Frick, vice president for facilities and auxiliary services, told The Equinox in 2018.

On Monday, the footbridge was gated off with a fence and a big red and white “Bridge Closed” sign. Silver guard rails with a curved architecture were installed to either side as well as new overhangs that resemble a stainless steel cow’s ribs.

The Equinox rode the ill-fated shuttle this morning and it was full of many disgruntled students that were rushing to class on the first day of school. Some of them were even late to class, including this reporter. Certainly not a great way to make a good first impression on your professor.

Starting on Tuesday, students will have to find another excuse for their tardiness.

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