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College Journalism: Your Voice

February 11, 2020

In a world as divided as the one we live in now, it is more important than ever to ensure that news is being consumed from reputable sources.

The term “Fake News” has been thrown around for almost four years by President Donald J. Trump, and many other members of his administration. This is a ploy by President Trump to try and discredit reputable news outlets, while only having his supporters get their news from the president himself.

Now is the time to support student newspapers, and to support the entire journalism profession as a whole since it is under attack on all fronts.

The Equinox is the voice of the student body here at the Fairleigh Dickinson University Metropolitan Campus. Our hard-working team works on behalf of you: The students, staff and faculty.

Any issue that is on the mind of the FDU student can, and should, end up in our next edition or online. The Equinox is a platform that all members of the FDU community can come to if they have an issue/ topic they would like to see receive more publicity.

Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard, and there is no better place to do that than The Equinox. We cover the biggest news on campus, and we tell the stories that you will not read about in any other publication. If The Equinox does not tell these stories, then who else will?

Our dedicated team is looking forward to another very successful spring semester, but we need help from the student body to make this semester our best one yet.

It is important to read The Equinox, and kiosks can be found in buildings all around campus. Also, please tell your friends and family to support student journalists and the great work that college newspapers do all over the country.

There is no other publication that speaks on behalf of the student body at FDU other than The Equinox. We do not take that role lightly, and we hope that we are telling stories about the FDU community that we all can be proud of.

We always can use additions to our staff so that we can create the most diverse and the most well- equipped team possible to take on the issues.

The Equinox has been around for more than four decades, and is an award-winning publication, and will continue to fight for the student body, and advocate for change on campus.

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